Thursday 14 March 2013

March Journal day 14

Today's task was: What are your favourite things today?

I could have gone all deep, but decided to treat this as an "everyday gratitude meditation" and really think what makes me happy just now, having a stinking cold and here it is:

The small text is impossible to read from the picture, so here it is:
  • sunshine bringing the spring
  • latte made by my husband
  • sofa offering me comfort
  • internet to entertain me
  • books to read
  • BBC iplayer for tv&radio
  • blogosphere for company I cannot infect
  • well stocked fridge so I don't have to go shopping  
Now you might think that I went the easy way doing it on the computer, but alas, no. I had the whole thing planned in totally different style, antique pictures and letters searched and printed and even cut. I also used time on colouring a sheet of paper in prettiest spring green hues for the background with watercolours. And then I just needed to do it in this way! If I had had one of those dymo writers and dymo tape in delicious colours I would have used that. This is my DIY dymo.

The good thing about being unwell and doing this is that I have used some of my long forgotten  artistic muscles (although not all the products can be seen here). I am glad I decided to participate.


Tuire Flemming said...

No niin, sun tautihan alkaa pikku hiljaa osoittautua oikein antoisaksi ;)
Kaunis sivu - ja olet tosiaan löytänyt ne hyvät asiat kurjuuden keskeltä! Hyvä Sinä :)

Mama Elf said...

Kyllä, kyllä, jotain iloahan tästä räkäpäisyydestäkin täytyy repiä.

caijsa said...

Noin mukavat ajatukset ja värit parantavat kyllä pahankin flunssan.