Sunday 20 January 2013

Baby Quilts

I have made several of these in different guises. They are relatively easy to make and I can often use fabrics I already have, although I also buy a bit to make them extra special. The quilts have become my default go-to gift for new babies as they have been very well received. Several recipients have very sweetly commented that the quilt has been the nicest gift they have got for their baby. (Or maybe I am really quick, before there are too many to compare with???)

Here are more pictures from little A's quilt. I used the "Chinese Coin" quilting, but did not make the coloured bits equal in their length. It is a really easy way to quilt as there is no need to sweat over the block corners to fit. This is possibly the easiest quilt type ever!

The quilt was for a "yoga baby" and I got the birth details from the Mum without even being sneaky. I just had to keep them in my head during the session, so I could embroider them as soon as I got home!

This second one was made before the baby was born and we did not know about the gender. The quilt was made of big squares of white and printed cottons.

 The back was some of my last bits of hand dyed batik polka-dots from Africa.

The colours were rather light and sort of retro feel to them. It felt like a spring baby quilt. This one I quilted along the piecing lines.

Have you done any nice quilting lately? Big or small...(These are not especially big pieces, but big enough to be used for toddler naps and later maybe as lap quilts).


Sanna said...

Ihana tää jälkimmäinen. Mistä tuo hauska kangas on peräisin, jossa on taloja ja autoja?

Mama Elf said...

Voi kun en muista. Nettikaupasta joka tapauksessa luultavasti joko "Fabric Rehab" tai "Saints and Pinners" kaupasta. Sitä ei ole enää näkynyt. Valitettavasti kangaskokoelmat vaihtuvat huimaa vauhtia nykyään ja niiden painajat harvoin painattavat uutta erää vanhasta kokoelmasta. (Paitsi jos se on ollut ihan hirveä myyntihitti).

Mama Elf said...

Se on Monaluna "Busy City" ja sitä ei näytä olevan missään muualla kuin Monalunan omilla nettisivuilla Amerikassa. Se on ilmeisesti loppumassa.