Sunday, 20 October 2013

Pretty Everyday Items or Gifts for the Nest

I made some "house warming" presents for ourselves when we were in the process of buying this house. I needed to have these items anyway, as the old plastic bag tube was worn out and the arrangement for my clothes pegs wasn't suitable for this house.

I love old textiles and linen tea towels are no exception. This was a tea towel, which already had a hole in it, but there was enough good fabric to make a bag for my pegs. I made the strap and the channel for closing strings of a fabric from my stash, in this case shirting from Elf Husband's old shirt.

I left the original embroidered initials on the bag, of course.

The plastic bag tube was made from IKEA fabric left over from another project. I gave our kitchen door key a "ticking" string to match the other items. I like my everyday objects being pretty and homemade, bringing me joy while doing my mundane housekeeping chores.
 Have you given yourself gifts lately?


Maria said...

Juuri hypistelin samaa Ikean kangasta että mitähän tekisi..
Jotenkin houkuttaisi kokeilla niitä joka paikassa näkyviä kangaskoreja.
Kaunis kokonaisuus!

Mama Elf said...

Kiitos, kiitos. Tein kangaskoreja jossain vaiheessa lahjaksi. Taisin käyttää IKEAn pellavaa ulkopuolella ja jotain kivaa kuviollista puuvillaa sisällä. Reunan taitoin ulos, joten kuviollinen näkyi myös ulkopuolelta.