Thursday, 21 March 2013

March Journal days 20 and 21

I had a busy day yesterday trying to catch up with cleaning and other housework after doing nothing for over a week. I got to the day's task

"Send a postcard"

rather late in the evening and then took forever doing it. Instead of just using a postcard, I also made it.  I decided that I wanted to send a postcard to myself in the future, a year ahead. I hope that we will have a house at that point and that I am a landlady taking good care of the holidaymakers. That's why I have given  myself a title of "Holiday Hostess".
The idea actually came from a course I once attended. We had to write a letter for our future selves. The letter was written, sealed into an enveloped and addressed. The tutor then took them and posted them to us after a year. It was quite a nice experience.

As this was a postcard to the future me, I thought that logically I could use an old stamp. (That's my type of Moomin logic).
I wrote with a real old fashioned ink pen and ink. These were things Elf Son really wanted to have from a museum about a year ago. He also insisted on red ink, although I don't think he realised how pink it was. Unfortunately my handwriting with this type of equipment does not measure with the beautifully flowing old ladies' handwriting.

Today's task was: "Feet"

I think my page became almost like a postcard to my son.

I took a picture of our feet (he was complaining loudly) and wrote my piece. The end bit from "walking cheerfully..."is slightly modified George Fox quote. This is one of the things I would like to teach to my son.
Edit: I just noticed that I had written over over...blaahhhh. Of course there should have been only one over. Never mind!


Tuire Flemming said...

Viehättävä kortti! Toivottavasti suunnitelmasi toteutuu - tietääpä sitten minne suunnata, jos niille kulmille sattuu :)
Myös jalkakuva oli hauska päällepiirroksineen.

Tuli muuten juuri tätä kirjoittaessa nuoremmalta tyttäreltä tekstari, että oli hakenut postista mustepullot ja kynät, jotka lähetin. Se piirtää niillä.

Heidi Pii said...

Ihana on sinunkin jalka-aiheesi! Mietin omaani samantyylistä tsemppitekstiä pienille jaloille, mutta lopputulos muotoutuikin muuksi. :)

caijsa said...

Upea kortti ja hauska ajatus, toivotan onnea suunnitelmalle. Jalkakuvakin on tosi söpö.

Selma said...

Somat jalat saitkin kuvaan ja sivullesi. Tuo postikortti on aivan ihana, niin vintagetyyliä että :)

Mama Elf said...

Sitä sopii tulla tänne kasteleita katsomaan, kunhan saamme paikan oston aikaiseksi. Tämä on maakunta jossa on eniten linnoja ja linnakkeita Englannissa!

Ja tietenkin pitkiä hiekkarantoja ja on meillä sellasia tuntureiden näköisiä kukkulannyppylöitäkin tuolla kansallispuistossa.

Ja kesällä lunnit(ne klovnien ja pingviinien risteytykseltä näyttävät linnut) pesii juuri kaupunkimme lähellä olevalla saarella.