Today's task was: A confession or revelation about yourself.
I was not in the mood of revealing my darkest secrets or most personal beliefs, so I chose a funny fact!
If the text is too squiggly to read it says: "My tongue is far longer than this...
I can reach the tip of my nose with it.
Just as aside I hate, hate, hate this cold. I was feeling half human yesterday, today I am back to a quivering mass of snot with heart palpitations.
I am SO glad about this challenge as there is at least something I can do and then go and see all the other participants' brilliant pages. If you are interested follow the link in the sidebar to "Hupsistarallaa" The days' task is there in Finnish and the links to them in the comments.
Ihanat kuvat! Tosi hauska ja hienostunut samaan aikaan! Ja kun kesä tulee (...tulee se, vaikkei uskoisi!) niin jäätelökeleillä tuo sinun taitosi on oikein hyödyllinen :P ;)
Hauska :P
Piti yrittää, mutten ylety. Nenän lyhyydestä se ei ainakaan ole kiinni...
Tämäpä vasta hauska ja rohkea paljastus :D
Hihii! Kiitos iltanauruista :D
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